Deliberately Attract Abundance

Action Plan: Invite great, new, positive energy into your life. Prepare to receive the love, good fortune, and miraculous opportunities that are meant for you. Use this Prayer whenever feeling unresourceful. Abundance Prayer. I am now releasing all negative energies...

Things that Don’t Define You

Things that Don’t Define You: ●      What others think or say about you ●      Your past Mistakes ●      Who you used to be ●      Your relationships ●      Your profession, business, or job ●      Past traumatic events and situations Action Plan: Put your Life into...

What is the Worst That Can Happen?

If You’re Really Unhappy with an Area of Your life, it’s up to YOU to be Brave Enough to Fix It. Takes some risks and make some changes. If you need some motivation to help you set some needed changes in motion, ask yourself, what is the worst that can...

Life is a Gift

You are Not Promised Tomorrow.   Action Plan: Do the things you want to do today. Include little things, like writing love notes to your sweethearts, and notes of appreciation to those people you are glad to have in your life. Tell people you love them. Make it a...

Become a Manifester

Become a Powerful Manifester through Gratitude Please remember: Your job is the dream of the unemployed. Your house is the dream of the homeless. Your smile is the dream of the depressed. Your health is the dream of those who are sick. Beautiful things happen when you...