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Lee Milteer is an Internationally known Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, Award winning Professional Speaker, TV Personality, and Business Mentor. Lee provides business & success advice and resources to nearly 250,000 people around the world. She is the founder of the Alchemists Inner Circle®—helping Entrepreneurs and Business owners and Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program which supplies Done for you Content coaching for other coaches and businesses.

Lee currently hosts The Blonde Warrior of Solutions on Rumble, which airs weekly on Wednesdays.

Lee hosted the America’s Premier Experts TV Show, which was aired on NBC, BS, ABC, and Fox Affiliates.

Lee has counseled and trained more than two million people in her speeches and teaching. She has written 17 books, Five which made the Bestselling list and her books include: Activate Your Inner Power, Reclaim the Magic, Success Is An Inside Job, Spiritual Power Tools for Successful Selling, The Magic of Prayers and she has Co-Authored: RENEGADE MILLIONAIRE with Dan Kennedy, Reach Your Career Dreams, Walking with the Wise for Entrepreneurs, The Secrets of Peak Performers One & Two, The Phenomenon, Ultimate Entrepreneur Success Secrets, and Walking with The Wise Overcoming Obstacles, Women Who Mean Business, the Woman Millionaires and Stephen Oliver’s’ Wealth book.

Lee has been an expert guest on more than 1,500 TV and Radio shows around the world- For more information go to

Please offer the Five Types of Energy to your group as a special Free Gift from Lee

In Activate Your Inner Power, Author Lee Milteer shares that you already possess the power to overcome any mental or emotional hardships within you. You were born with an inherent birthright to this inner power, where your instincts, intuition, and guidance system reside to deal with self-doubt, overwhelm, and feeling defeated. Hold a Problem in Your Mind, Open This Book to Any Page, and There Will Be Your Answer.

The purpose of this book is to activate your own inner guidance that can remove stress, fear, doubts, and insecurity when you need assistance to help you make the best choices and actions. Ask and You Will Receive and there will be guidance messages to help you find an answer to your challenge. By shifting your perspective, you get a new view of it and where hidden opportunities might be.

This is a must have Guidance book with over 200 “messages” that act as a tool for you against confusion, negativity, and the fear of risk taking. You will also receive when you ask for guidance an Action Plan for putting change into practice.

Having appeared on thousands of Radio, TV shows and Podcasts around the world as Expert Guest, spoken on stage in front of over a million people, founded Millionaire Smarts Club, written fifteen books and educational courses Lee Milteer combines decades of professional coaching experience to assist people with finding the best answers for their daily challenges.

There is always help available if you know how to ask. The Magic of Prayers is designed to carry with you so you have inspiration and assistance from the realm of spirit whenever you need it. The Infinite Intelligence is all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipresent. When you pray, you invoke spiritual law and invite help from the God Source, which activates the ever-mysterious forces that create magical results in your life. The prayers in this book are designed to empower you with the words and energy that will connect you to your source so you can find solutions to whatever challenges you face. With prayers for prosperity, intuition, health, business success, and improving personal relationships, this book is for people of all denominations, spiritual practices, and ages.

You have within you unlimited potential to make your dreams come true, and to create the life that you want. One of the most important resources you have available to you is the understanding that SUCCESS must be created within you before it can manifest in your life. All success must be created internally before it can be created externally. You must accept your own personal power before you can take your vision, your hopes, and your fantasies and make them real. The Revised and Expanded Edition of this book, will give you even more information and skills to assist you in empowering yourself to make the changes you desire most to make, and to create the life you want to live.

One of the biggest secrets of life is that you must feel successful before you can create it in your outer world. Our emotions create our behaviors; our behaviors create our results and successes. Our lives are driven by our emotions and how we feel about ourselves and the world.

Designed to appeal to salespeople of all religious affiliations and backgrounds, this book is ideal for those who want to learn why the art of successful selling doesn’t have to mean selling out your own spiritual principles. Milteer includes hints for changing our perception of the sales profession along with changing our perception of ourselves and our life’s purpose. “Power” sections throughout the book help readers understand and unleash the power of integrity, intuition, imagination, and more. For more than twenty years Lee Milteer has been a highly-regarded motivational speaker and executive coach whose repeat clients have included Disney, Ford, IBM, AT & T, and FedEx.

Our true magnificence is our internal power. Open up to our greater identity and go beyond our programmed boundaries. We are more than just human! We came to earth with the ability to create with our thoughts. We’ve just forgotten how. This book is here to remind us. Reclaim the Magic will evoke a consciousness shift and an awakening within you to manifest your heart’s true desires. This book will give you the tools and concepts to claim your natural birthright power as a manifestor, become fully conscious of the abilities you have within yourself, and evolve into your authentic being. You are a spirit in a human body and are much more powerful than you have been led to believe. Since birth, we have been programmed by society, schools, government, religions, and well-meaning but clueless people that we are a victim of circumstances. We have been trained to think, feel, and believe that we have no power. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, we are far from helpless. The truth is, power in life is 1 percent physical and 99 percent spiritual. We can release the victim role and instead, adopt the role of deliberate creator. It is a choice we can make that will transform our reality forever. With our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and use of our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial life energies, we can manifest anything we desire.

Blonde Warrior of Solutions

Lee Milteer “The Blonde Warrior” Interviews Melanie Rembrandt and James Karl Butler

Lee Milteer “The Blonde Warrior” Interviews Chris Widener: Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot!

Lee Milteer “The Blonde Warrior” Interviews Kevin Young: Financial Literacy 101

Lee Milteer, the Blonde Warrior of Solutions, chats with Brian Kurtz…