Let me ask you a question……Where are you out of integrity with your own goals? That means – where have you put other people ahead of your own goals? Where are you flaking out and not following up? Where are you procrastinating? Where are you really AFRAID to go for it?

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The reason I want to talk about this topic this week is that everything is made up of momentum and energy and it’s based on the amount of ENERGY and FOCUS that you have. Do you have a shotgun focus that is just spreading around or do you have laser beam focus about what you want?  I will honestly tell you that one of the reasons I have become successful in life is that I have this very determined, persistent focus. The old joke is not to get between me and my goals. I am very focused and very laser beam. I do not dilute my energy in other places when I want something.

To really succeed in today’s world and to be massively successful, to break all of your bad habits, to really focus your energy in ways that allow you to achieve what you want to in life – you must put your blinders on about what other people are doing. Years ago I spoke with Marlo Thomas (Danny Thomas’ daughter. He was very famous actor years ago.) on stage and he gave her some great advice that has really stuck with me, which was to “put on your blinders in life and run your own race.” That is what I want to impart to you today.
Remember, this is YOUR race and YOUR life. Just because other people do it other ways doesn’t mean that you have to copy them or emulate them. It’s nice to learn from other people but your soul has its own calling and it may not align with any other soul’s calling. It doesn’t make any difference. Your life is your life! Where are you out of integrity with getting what you want? Where are you playing small, just allowing life to pass you by? Are you under the impression something is just going to magically happen in life to save you?
I’m here to remind you that YOU are the savior in your own life. That’s right, nobody else but you. Most people cannot seem to get that. They secretly hope that someone will “discover” them and then suddenly life will be miraculously shifted and changed. Here is the truth…YOU have to discover YOU. You are the star, director, and editor of your own life! You have to give yourself permission to go after what you want in life. Now, does that mean that going after what you want is hard sometimes? Absolutely! But you just need to take a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes small steps create great careers!
Every day – take your attention away from the unnecessary. The insane news that does nothing but cause distress for everyone. Put it aside. Other people’s problems that are not your problems. Put them aside. How you have made mistakes in the past. Forgive yourself and put them aside.
Your job every day is to wake up in the morning and have a new perspective on your life. You will have new information and new knowledge. Every day is a new opportunity, no matter how many times things have been messed up in the past, today could be that day where everything comes together. You’ve got to be ENTHUSIASTIC and EXCITED about life! You have got to LOVE YOURSELF that you focus your energy 100% on what you want to achieve!
You need to be open-minded, curious, and excited about gaining new knowledge. Learn to give yourself a break. Do the right thing for yourself every day. Use your critical thinking skills to discern what would be the highest activity that you could work on right now that would be a profitable, long-term good play for yourself?
It really is a matter of awareness and what you are telling yourself. If you’re telling yourself, “No matter what I do, it’s never going to work. I don’t seem to get a break. Life is not fair. Everybody else is successful, but not me” – you’re doomed! All inspiration has to come from within yourself. Other people can inspire you but you’re the one who has to put on the boots, go out in the yard and do the work.
Your point of power in this lifetime is this second in time. It’s not next week, next month or next year. It is RIGHT NOW! So love yourself and do things TODAY that will change the course of your reality. Be PROACTIVE.
A serious bad habit is waiting for life to happen to you. Your job is to chart the way. ACT and you will see that there is nothing on earth holding you back but YOU.  

Magic, Love & Light,

Lee Milteer