How Can You Reclaim Your Intuition and Your Common Sense?  

First, start by checking-in with your intuition about relationship challenges, new business opportunities, financial decisions, parenting decisions and the like.

Intuition is a natural human function, just like your five senses, and it really is your secret weapon when you take the time to develop it.

Known by many names, such as gut feeling, a hunch, the sixth sense, instincts, and or a strong feeling; intuition is one of the best tools you have at your disposal.

Unfortunately, we are trained by our Western culture to interpret almost all of our experiences from a logical or linear thinking processes.  

But, for hundreds of thousands of years, humans survived on instincts.

Modern society has taken the emphasis off of the important “I Feel” and has put it on the “I think” when it comes to decision-making.

However, today, more and more successful people are realizing that you must use both sides of your brain to make wise decisions, that are more likely to lead to profitable and successful choices!

Trust Your Intuition!

Ours is a world where science has succeeded in explaining most observable phenomena.

Which, makes it hard for so many people to accept things that are unexplained as being real.

There are lots of times where you may have experienced some instance of mental telepathy and considered it to be “just a coincidence”.

Physicists and psychologists say there is evidence of an energy link between everything in the universe.

Everything that happens is simultaneously encoded in this energy pattern, which makes telepathy and clairvoyance more plausible, and certainly gives us a deeper understanding about how intuition works.

When you stop requiring a clear cut explanation for something, and simply allow yourself to say, “my intuition just says this doesn’t feel right,” you can begin to truly trust your own judgement!

And lets face it, who else can we really trust right now if not ourselves?!!

The topic of Intuition is so very important to me, and I love sharing my wisdom on it and encouraging others to trust their own!

If this is something you would like to see more of, jump on over to Youtube and follow me there where I share my tips and tricks on trusting your gut, intuition, and so much more!

And the best part, it’s FREE!