by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
Let me ask you a question……Where are you out of integrity with your own goals? That means – where have you put other people ahead of your own goals? Where are you flaking out and not following up? Where are you procrastinating? Where are you really AFRAID...
by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
Welcome to Gems of Wisdom! Today I want to talk about something that is SUPER important that I truly believe most of us need to do. Most of us need to sleep a little bit longer to wake up to a new dream. Meaning…when you’re unsure about what you want to do in the...
by Lee Milteer | Manifesting, Message from Lee
Happy Spring! Today I’ll be sharing with you a quick video about “Unmanifesting” for success in your life! It’s actually the key to manifesting, but so few manifesting “experts” out there ever really talk about it. It may be the key...