by Lee Milteer | Mindset, Personal Power, Success, Untamed Success
As a performance coach, author, and speaker people often ask me, “what is happening in our world?”. You’d have to be living under a rock to not have noticed that our reality has changed. Most of what we have been taught is obsolete, the lifestyle...
by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
Today I want to talk about the journey of life! —–>>>>> To watch the video click on the image below We spend so much time on our ambition that we often FORGET that Life is a Journey, Not a Destination.We forget this truth all the time, folks!...
by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
Today I want to talk about the power of complaining! Let’s talk about how complaining has helped you, hint – it hasn’t! But it HAS hurt you. Complaining allows you to focus on things that are not beneficial to you and causes you to be a part of the...
by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
I think you’re going to love this video on money. I wasn’t kidding when I decided to name this video “I LOVE MONEY”…because I do. And you should too. You see money is NOT the “root of all evil” at all. Money is only a tool – an energy tool to serve you and allow you...
by Lee Milteer | Message from Lee
Today we’re going to talk about Mindset Hacks for Summer Stress Relief and how to not let it affect you so much. Here’s the truth – it’s summer, it’s hot and some people’s tempers flare at this time of year. There may even be some jealousy creeping in that others...