This short Series about Freeing Yourself Of Stuff is all about living life lighter! I have shared ways to lighten up your surroundings so that any activity or new endeavor can be done without clutter. Personally I doubt I will ever be a minimalist (since I enjoy shopping), but I want to be in control! Our stuff over time often makes us feel trapped and confined by those same things that we think are supposed to round out our lives and make us feel complete. According to Joshua Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus of Netflix’s THE MINIMALIST: Less Is Now.

Mental De-Cluttering Feels Good

This is the fifth and final part in our Free Yourself from Too Much Stuff Series. 

We’ve been focusing on freeing ourselves from material “stuff,” but keep in mind that it would also behoove you to do some mental clean-up.

Mental de-cluttering and emotional de-cluttering are extremely important. If not done, they can lead to self-imposed blockages, resistance, massive frustration, and stress. Holding on to grudges, anger, or bitterness blocks you from receiving and causes you to be frustrated, discouraged, unmotivated, and depressed.

How do you de-clutter in this way? Well, start by recognizing the predominant thoughts running through your mind and then the subsequent feelings you have as a result. Put into words your general opinion and belief about your life and your ability to co-create it. How do you view manifestation, your friends, your family, money, etc.?

Go through each area of your life. Make a list of all the beliefs and feelings you have that pertain to each one. Let it all flow. Don’t hold back. The more honest and candid you are with yourself, the better. No one needs to see your list; it’s between you and you.

Homework Assignment:

Pick a different area in your home or office and give yourself permission to go on the “Stuff Diet.”

If there are clothes in your closet that you have not worn in the last 24 months – get rid of them!

If there are clothes you don’t like and don’t give you a good feeling when you wear them – out they go!

If there are clothes that need repair, have them repaired. Your one exception: you can keep your wedding dress or tuxedo!

Don’t forget to clean out your attic and garage; inevitably there are things you’re keeping that would cost more to repair than replace – throw them out or give them away. Get rid of old furniture, toys, office files, magazines, and newspapers.

Clear out the junk that robs you of your energy and time whenever you see or think about it.

De-clutter your life from the tangibles and intangibles that are no longer adding to your well-being. New substances, new relationships, and new opportunities do not flow easily into a cluttered environment.

Another important homework assignment: allow yourself to gently move away from acquaintances and friends who are no longer really friends. Just because you were close and had a lot in common at one time does not mean that you’re destined to be friends forever. Give yourself permission to really see and let go of relationships that have grown in different directions. Free yourself up for opportunities to meet and spend time with people that you would really enjoy or learn from.

Most of us don’t remember “stuff” but we do remember experiences. Why not start creating your life with memories instead of things that have to be insured, cleaned, or repaired? You will gain a sense of clarity by releasing what is no longer needed or wanted. You will allow your life to be more organized and less stressed. Apply this concept of the “STUFF DIET” to every area of your life and watch the clarity unfold for you.

Remember less is more and clutter-free feels good.

I hope you have enjoyed Freeing Yourself from Too Much Stuff! If you want people to get on board with you, be sure to Catching them doing things Right! Have Fun in the process and remind yourself that the efforts you invest today to be free of all your unneeded material and mental things will free you to have the time and energy to actually enjoy your life.

Your new motto:

If It Doesn’t Serve a Purpose, Have Meaning, or Monetary Value—OUT IT MUST GO!

Lee Milteer
Performance and Productivity Coach
Millionaire Smarts Coach


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P.S.P.S. Sign up for some one-on-one coaching with Lee to achieve your big Life Goals! For more information visit our coaching web page at, or email [email protected]. Lee is also available to speak at your virtual or live events, contact us for booking details.